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About Greg

The short version:  I've been consulting and architecting Human Capital Management solutions for 25 years.  During this time I've learnt a lot, made tons of mistakes, and made some great friends.  Here, I'm trying to share some insights.

The longer version:  In the last 25 years, I've moved from being a graduate consultant, to a senior consultant, an independent consultant, the owner of a consultancy, the seller of a consultancy, and (presently) a principle architect at a large HCM Consultancy.  

I've worked for a large number of global organisations, in a variety of sectors.  

My training was in Marketing - and I got into Human Capital Management because I wanted to help companies gain a competitive marketing advantage - not through product, price, place or promotion - but through people.  And I've stayed for a lot longer than I ever anticipated.

When not working, I live in Cape Town, South Africa.  I'm happily married for 22 years (who's counting?) and have three sons.  I trail run to keep fit.


I'm happiest being outdoors - and took these pics in 2022.

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