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Rare is good service
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Good service doesn't need to be rare.
Agile Development #1
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Agile isn't about being responsive. It's about servant leadership. And... being agile...
Beware the monkey’s paw!
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How to avoid getting what you want, just not in the way you wanted it...
Plan to Fail
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How planning to fail can make you successful
Defendable and Defended
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Two factors will determine your chances of success when introducing change...
There is no team in “I”…
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There is no "I" in "team". But.... there is also no "team" in "I". This post is about ensuring accountability to ensure success.
It doesn’t have to be good…
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The tale of the client who delivered faster, got more value out of software, and focused on the greatest value.
Wear Brown Pants
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How leadership is sometimes about being brave.
Business Processes vs Business Models
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If your users can't see the wood for the trees, it's likely that they don't understand their role in the value chain. This article is about taking a step back and understanding a business model within your business, to support your business.
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